Associate Professor of Petroleum Engineering

Director of Simulation Department of Sahand Oil and Gas Research Institute (SOGRI)
Sahand University of Technology



BSc., 2002; Chemical Engineering, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz-Iran BSc. Thesis : Investigating the Modeling of Oil Reservoir Precipitations.


MSc., 2004; Chemical Engineering, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz-Iran MSc.Thesis: Modeling of Wax Precipitation for Live Oils Using Solid Solution Theory and Equation of State


PhD., 2010: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz-Iran. PhD.Thesis: Development of a Model to Predict Asphaltene Precipitation Conditions During CO­2 Gas Injection Process in Reservoirs

research fields
Simulation of oil and gas reservoirs
Phase behavior of hydrocarbon fluids
Modeling and laboratory studies of wax and asphaltene deposits
Thermodynamics of solutions

Communication with Dr. khodapanah:

Have Taught:

    • Reservoir Simulation
      Introduction to Reservoir Engineering
    • Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
    • Flow of Fluids through Porous Media
    • Advanced Reservoir Simulation
    • Finite Element
    • Oil Laboratory
    • Supercritical Fluid Extraction
    • Special Topics: Plasma Technology and Its Application in Oil and other Industries

Contact us:

POBox: 51335/1996 Tabriz–Iran
Tel: (98) 41 33443800 to 10 Ext.-9481 (98) 41 33459481
Fax: (98) 41 33444355
Last Updated: Aug 13, 2023

full resume: